Of all the flowers that I shaped, poppy is definitely the one I loved most, for his poor, anarchist, shy, poetic, gentle, irreducible being, for his being so extraordinarily similar to me...
Fragility and stability, lightness and solidity: terms usually antithetical that in Delicate Poppies, as well as in all the other creations of Gherardo Frassa, seem instead to be able to live together serenely. Small metal sculptures, table flowers that never wither. Design objects that if on the one hand represent the flowers in all their ideal lightness and fragility, on the other they present them supported by solid materials and tangible concreteness. Delicate poppy thus presents itself as an object with an iconic flower shape with hand-folded steel or brass petals supported by a sturdy stainless steel stem, attached to an irregular round base also in stainless steel. Available in two sizes and three finishes - red painted steel, polished stainless steel or polished brass - they are unusual and gentle mini sculptures that inevitably attract the eye but also touches of color for all those spaces, whether they are public or private, which always want to be alive and sparkling.