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Luce - 6 pcs

35,70 €

42,00 €

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Thanks to the innovative, and in some ways extraordinary, introduction of magnesium in the composition of glass, KnIndustrie's Luce stemglasses collection can boast surprising qualities. On an aesthetic level, they are more shiny and sparkling. On an pratical level, magnesium gives them lighter but also flexibility and strength, making it more resistant to scratching and chipping, and able to tolerate without consequences detergents and the Thermal schock of dishwashers. Six sizes available:

Cabernet21,9 cm (H)48 cl
Riesling18,8 cm (H)26 cl
Bordeaux22,4 cm (H)62,5 cl
Burgundy21,2 cm (H)74 cl
Chardonnay Blanc20,9 cm (H)36,5 cl
Flùte22,7 cm (H)18 cl

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