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Racket la Surprise

39,00 €

Delivery Time: 5 days

Racket la Surprise è una lampada da esterno che si accende in autonomia al calare del sole e si spegne con l'arrivo della luce. La principale caratteristica del prodotto è quella del funzionamento ad energia solare, rendendone facile e pratico l'utilizzo. La lampada crea un'atmosfera calda ed accogliente grazia alla sua emissione a luce calda. La confezione comprende 1 singolo Racket la Surprise presentato in un elegante confezione regalo.

Dimensioni: Ø 13 x 85 cm.

Product informations

This product can be used outdoors all year round. Make sure that the lamps are placed on solid ground, to prevent them from falling, and that there is always enough space around them so that moving objects (such as branches) cannot damage them. Also make sure that the light reaches the lampshades for the lamps to recharge. The lamps will run for about 6 hours at full charge, after which they will turn off using a timer. To enjoy the summer nights longer, pull the red cord twice and they will turn on again (for another 6 hours or until dawn).

Cleaning instructions

Clean with a soft cloth, warm water and liquid soap.

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