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2 098,28 €

2 331,42 €

Delivery Time: 4 weeks

Seven mirrors randomly deployed on a zig-zagging spine configure the object. The seven faces are a thought, an intuition and, as such, something never definitive, always unfinished... In order to be able to define themselves, they need a place to reflect and thus to inhabit. In contrast, at the spine everything is terminated, constructed... There everything is definitive and conclusive. Intentionally, a part of this spine is left exposed to view in order to give a few clues as to the laws governing its construction.

Designed by Eduard Samsó per BD Barcelona, photographed in front of his mirror in the purest style of Magritte, Mirallmar is a mirror frame, galvanized iron discs and tools; flat mirrors with the exception of one concave. Dimensions: 180 cm (W) x 150 cm (H).

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